Nestle Nestl? Kit Kat Matcha kitkat Matcha (green tea) 12 sheets X2 bag set


Nestle Nestl? Kit Kat Matcha kitkat Matcha (green tea) 12 sheets X2 bag set

Nestl? kitkat Kit Kat mini sweetness of the adult ‘Matcha Uji Matcha [12 sheets],’ one (standard 11.3g) per, by kneading the 66kcal ‘Uji Gyokuro tea leaves’ to Uji green tea flavor based dough, fragrant Uji We have to complement the taste and aroma of green tea. ‘Deeper than, a full-fledged’ is Uji Matcha Kit Kat of adults. . Foreign tourists continue to buy boxes visit to Japan, it is souvenirs popular NO.1 of candy!