Premium Gyokuro Kokyu Japanese Green Tea – 3.5oz


Premium Gyokuro Kokyu Japanese Green Tea – 3.5oz

This premium tea blend consists of two of Kyoto Prefecture’s finest teas, Ujitawara Gyokuro and Wazuka Kabuse-Cha, or Shaded Tea. The reason for blending these two teas is to produce a uniformly high quality offering that can be made available to worldwide tea enthusiasts at a stable and affordable price. Kabuse-cha is grown in the same manner as Gyokuro tea, shaded under diffused sunlight to increase the chlorophyll content of the leaves. This produces an interesting, unique and much sought-after taste and aroma palate that is sweeter and richer than that of teas grown in full sunlight, as well as increasing its antioxidant qualities and nutritional content too. Kabuse-Cha is shaded for around half the time of Gyokuro, around a week to ten days. Producing a flavor palate somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of Sencha and Gyokuro, Gyokuru Kokyu is a well-rounded tea with a slight algae flavor in the first notes, seguing into a light, lingering bitterness on the finish.